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Adventures in U.S. History Week 4

We had another great week!  We learned that Jesus said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life" (John 8:12).  To remind us of this truth, we repurposed an old pillar candle by rubbing it with white glue, affixing a bit of decorated paper to it, and sprinkling the whole thing with coarse salt.  It was very pretty when lit!

Miss M enjoyed learning about the Native Americans who built wigwams, but didn't have as much fun making her own.  It required a lot of patience to wait for the glue to dry enough to put the next piece on.

On Tuesday we had an International Student from a local university come spend the day with us.  She brought the kids new puzzles and they had so much fun putting them together!  We didn't quite get all our lessons done, but the day was fun and educational nonetheless.

Miss M skipped her regular art lessons in I Can Do All Things in lieu of an elaborate chalk drawing on her easel chalkboard.  It's her Dream House, complete with "fancy lights" a fountain, a swimming pool, and outdoor patio dining!

One morning we observed an earthworm stranded on the concrete patio outside the backdoor.  While we were talking about it, a bit fat robin came hopping over to investigate.  We watched it attack the worm with gusto and then swallow it whole.  Miss M was fascinated and completely grossed out!

We had a special Pie for Pi Day Party.  The kids loved having some friends over to play with, but we got very little schooling done.  Isn't it fun to have a party day now and then?

We mailed some postcards for a 50 States Postcard Exchange we're participating in.

In the midst of our 40 and 50 degree weather, we had a day that was 83!  We spent a little extra time outside and went on a long nature walk.

Miss M learned that the sun is 93 million miles from earth.  To give her a sense of how much that is, we learned that if you could travel as fast as the speed of light, you could reach the moon in 2 seconds.  We stood by the house, used our stopwatch and walked for 2 seconds, then turned around and saw how far we got.  Next, we went back to the side of the house and started again.  This time we walked 8 minutes and saw how far we got from the house.  If you could travel as fast as light, it would take 8 minutes to get from Earth to the Sun.

On Friday evening, Hubby took Little Guy out on a special Father-Son Date.  Miss M and I stayed home and did some tidying up.  Then she sat on my lap and read me some books.  We really enjoyed our special time together!

Come see our previous adventures:

The rest of our adventures:


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