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Showing posts from 2017

5 Favorite Indoor Boredom Busters

We just moved. The last time we moved we had one 18-month old child. This time we have two children and we homeschool! Even though our new home is only 20 miles away (our last move was over 1500 miles), it was significantly more work moving all our school books and learning supplies. Honestly, who knew we had so many books and board games! Or bookcases! I never realized we have 12 of them! Thankfully, our move took place during our long winter break from school, so I haven’t been trying to juggle lessons along with all the rest. But in the mean time, I have two young children who are getting bored without access to their usual amusements. It’s the dead of winter in Missouri and they can’t simply run outside all day. Thankfully, all it takes is a willing spirit and a little imagination to have some fun! Here are five of my kids favorite boredom busting ideas for when they’re stuck indoors. Build a Monster Box, a.k.a. beanbag toss If you’ve just moved like us, one t