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Showing posts from November, 2012

Give Thanks! 30 things I'm thankful for this year

1. I'm thankful that when I say, "There's nothing to eat," what I really mean is that nothing we have sounds appealing. My children have never known hunger. 2. I'm thankful I *get* to stay home with my children, to care for them and raise them. I don't have to work outside the home. Neither am I forced to stay home because I have no other options. 3. I'm thankful for good health; access to modern medical, dental, and vision care; and excellent medical insurance. 4. I'm thankful that I have limitless access to clean running water. 5. I'm thankful that power outages are not common occurrences where I live and that when they do occur, they are rarely more than a mild inconvenience. 6. I'm thankful I've been able to know all my grandparents. 7. I'm thankful for the massive amount of human knowledge available at our fingertips today. We can find out tomorrow's weather, why our child has a rash, what foreign words mean, who our an