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Showing posts from March, 2011

Jessie the Yodeling Cowgirl outfit

Toy Story 3 is very popular in our house. In fact, during the day on the weekdays it's on more often than not.  Little Guy will sit still and watch it long enough to fall asleep (which is why I put it on at naptime so often!).  He loves Buzz, in fact, he calls the whole movie "Buzz," but Miss M loves Jessie.  Wow, does she ever love Jessie! When her grandma and auntie got tickets to go to Toy Story 3 on Ice this weekend, Miss M was over the moon!  She has a Jessie Halloween costume, but it's nothing more than a one-piece printed pajama-like suit and she's already outgrowing it.  She's been asking for a "real" Jessie suit and this seemed like the perfect excuse to sew her one! I used materials I had on hand -- white cotton toweling, yellow quilting cotton, red piping (vintage), red ribbon, and a bit of white felt. Only the buttons were purchased specifically for this purpose.  I used Ottobre 6/2007 #19, the "Ollie" shirt.  The front

Dolly love

As I worked on my latest sewing project, Little Guy occupied himself with this sweet Raggedy Ann doll my friend gave me. He lavished her with hugs and kisses and put her to bed again and again. Though he usually managed to get the blanket over her face and left her feet exposed! I just had to grab the camera and capture his play.  He’s such a sweet boy!

Plaid Summer Shorts

I've done so much sewing for Miss M and hardly any for Little Guy. I decided to rectify that. He has plenty of t-shirts that fit right now, but he's short on pants, so I decided to make him a pair or two. I've never done a fly zipper, so I decided to try one.  It turned out pretty well, considering! I made the "Alma corduroy pants" (Ottobre 4/2008, #6).  I cut up a pair of women's pants and used twill tape that had been in the lower leg of the original pants instead of cutting new belt loops.  The waistband is a bit of blue chambray I had left over from another project.  I made size 68 to fit Little Guy's waist.  I think the pattern is meant to be full-length pants, but it turned out to be more like long shorts. But I knew that because I measured the outseam and inseam before I started! This is his "I'm not so sure I'm ready to be awake" look.  Can you believe how big he's getting? I never knew that girls and boys pa

Vaahtokarkki blouse and dress

It looks like I finished this up just in time for Miss M to enjoy today's beautiful spring weather!  I joined Sandra at Sugar Cubes and Spice Cake for a sew-a-long (although I fell behind working on a quilt for the kids' room instead).  The sew-a-long was helpful and loads of fun! I really enjoy seeing other people's execution of the same pattern. Being the overachiever that I am, I decided to do two simultaneously. Hubby picked out the butterfly fabric from my stash (I purchased it at Tall Mouse  when Miss M was less than a year old!).  The yellow gingham was a high thread-count men's shirt. I had to do some creative cutting to get all the pieces cut out.  I'll tell you a secret: the underside of the collar is pieced together since I couldn't quite fit everything! The pattern is from Ottobre 1/2010, #15.  I made the yellow one exactly as directed, and the only things I changed on the other one was lengthening it to just below the knee and leavi