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Showing posts from April, 2012

KCWC Day 2: Fabric

Today's hour came in 5-10 minute snatches throughout the day.  A whole hour to sit down and do something I want without interruption sounds divine!  I didn't make as much progress as I'd hoped, but I did manage to: add seam allowances to the patterns I traced yesterday, pick out suitable fabric, and launder the fabric. The floral flannel and orange stretch terry are for Miss M's swimming cover-up and the plaid flannel and red stretch terry are for the Little Mister (with some tan flannel thrown in for good measure).  The flannels are from Black Friday at JoAnn a couple years ago and the terry cloths were in a box of knits I got at an estate sale last year.  It's nice to use up some of my stash!

KCWC Day 1: Tracing

One hour?  Not exactly.  More like 40 minutes.  Forty very interrupted minutes!  Still, I managed to trace the popular Hilda-Tilda pattern from Ottobre 6/2007 (#27) in two sizes!  I didn't get to add the seam allowances yet. Neither of my kids need much in the way of clothes.  They could each use a pair of shorts, but they're set in the t-shirt and jeans department.  So I decided to start with swimming cover-ups.  His and hers.  Pretty much exactly like LiEr at Ikatbag  just did  (great timing!) only I'll be using Ottobre pattern pieces.  And making a few changes  a la  LiEr since I like how she did the lined hood and the neck slit in front. I don't have fabric picked out yet.  I have plenty of options for Miss M, but I'm limited on my choices for Little Guy. I guess I'll have to decide tomorrow! It'd be nice if the postman would deliver the new issue of Ottobre tomorrow so I can trace a pair of shorts.

Dyeing Easter Eggs with Food Coloring

Last week was a crazy week.  We drove a total of 18 hours and almost 1500 miles in just 4 days (with a 2-day break in the middle).  None of which was planned in advance! An effect of our out-of-whack week was that I was completely unprepared for Easter!  (Thank goodness I wasn't planning to sew Easter clothes this year! Or do Easter baskets either.)  So even though I had planned to color eggs with the kids, we didn't actually get around to it until the Monday after Easter. I didn't expect it to be so much fun!  The last few times I colored eggs, my stepmom hosted and I think she used the egg dyeing kits.  I didn't remember the colors being so vibrant.  I didn't pick up anything special, so I figured I'd just use regular old food coloring.  I simply followed the instructions on the back of the food coloring package: Mix together 1/2 cup HOT water (it said boiling, but I just used very hot tap water), 1 tsp. vinegar, and half a bottle of food colorin