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Showing posts from August, 2015

ECC: Japan

Konichiwa!  We have spent the last two weeks "in" Japan.  This has to have been one of our favorite countries to study so far!  The kids had a blast watching Godzilla with Daddy and obsessing about ninjas all day.  In addition to this, they... ...made koinobori ... ...created an entire menagerie of origami creatures... ...wrote original haiku poetry... ...drank ramune style soda pop... ...fell in love with mochi ice cream... ...turned up their noses at green tea mochi... ...learned about the beach... (Miss M made this image in PicCollage to illustrate her geography vocabulary word). ...and created a relaxing rock garden. We're heading to the Philippines next, Hubby's homeland.  We're closing in on our final push to the end of the school year (remember, we started back in January).  It's been fun, but all good things must come to an end.  Sayonara!

A Day in the Life

Do you ever feel like all these amazing homeschool mamas have it ALL together. They get up early, prepare a scrumptious and nutritious breakfast for their families, start school by 8 o'clock and, well, generally have everything well in hand.  Well...that's not what life looks like here on Sycamore Hill! I don't even bother to have a written schedule because I know it would be complete fantasy!  But one day this week I did take a few moments to track what really took place. This is my "Day in the Life" from Wednesday. 9:30 -- a long-distance phone call from my brother wakes me up 10:00 -- still talking on the phone, Hubby calls during his break so I hang up and switch over 10:15 -- admining duties on Facebook, check email 10:30 -- actually get out of bed, get dressed, eat breakfast (make sure the kids have eaten; they have) 10:40 -- Geography Game 11:00 -- have 4th grader rewrite her poorly done sentences from the day before 11:15 -- read Matthew ass