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Plant Murder

I once read that every room should have something living in it.  And I do love houseplants!  There's something so magical about a green, thriving thing sharing your space.  There are also all kinds of benefits to having houseplants.  But that only works if you don't murder your plants.

I am a plant murderer.

A once-beautiful dracaena tree.
I can't count the number of once thriving houseplants I've destroyed over the years.  Overwatering.  Underwatering.

The blame doesn't lie entirely with me.  I water them when I'm supposed to.  I even give them plant food sometimes.  But I've never lived somewhere that has the right conditions.  We only have northwest and southeast facing windows.  They're small windows and only rarely get any direct sun shining through them.  All the windows have deep roof overhangings and they all have UV coating that blocks the sort of light plants love from entering.

The ficus, or Rubber Plant, I murdered.
I do have some plants that seem happy enough, a couple pothos and one Wandering Jew.  Oh, and the Christmas cactus my mom gave me is about to bloom (a few months late, but hey, it's not dead)!  But it hasn't been with me long enough to be sure of its fate.  In spite of my track record, I'm determined not to give up.  I will keep trying and reading books/blogs about plants and maybe someday I can have a pretty collection of houseplants to cheer up all the rooms of the house!

Do you keep houseplants?  What is your secret?  Or are you a plant murderer like me?


  1. I WAY overwatered in the past and killed every other plant I've owned. Now, I have an aloe and a lucky bamboo that are doing wonderfully. The lucky bamboo is around 4 feet tall and you wouldn't believe how huge the aloe is (about 1 foot diameter). That being said, mom keeps trying to give me the plant someone gave her at my baby shower 31 years ago... I will NOT take responsibility for keeping that thing alive! I'd DIE if I killed it!

    1. Oh wow, how impressive she's kept a plant alive so long! I'd be terrified of taking one with such a history! At least most of the ones I've killed are from Walmart or the grocery store. LOL!

  2. I'm a plant killer. And because of that, I have not ONE living plant in the house. I can't even keep a plant living outside!!! My husband (who is a farmer!) has to constantly coach me on what to do.

    I do love the idea of having plants in the house, though. As long as they're far away from food prep areas. I love to look at houseplants in the stores. I even love to buy them. I just can't keep them alive.

    :) Maybe when the children are grown and on their own, then I'll try plants again.

    1. I kill plants outside too. Thankfully things *want* to grow, so if I just leave well enough alone, we have enough pretty growing things outside to satisfy me. My grandpa is a farmer. He has a whole green arm! He can make anything grow. I wish I was like him... :-)

  3. I'm a killer!lol Philodendron, Corn Plant, Aloe, Cactus, Ferns, etc. have all lost their lives at my hands.;)

    1. Yep...I'm pretty sure I've murdered all those as well. And herbs! The ones that are supposedly easy to grow on your windowsill or whatever. Yeah...not around here! :-P

  4. Totally a murderer. Outside plants can do okay if they are the kind that thrive on neglect. I have a rosemary bush that came back from the dead... dug it up to relocate it, but it still came back in the original spot... bigger than before.

    a friend gave a pretty flowering plant after my surgery. We are counting the days until I kill it

    1. I'm pulling for the plant, and for your recovery from surgery! May both surprise you in all the nicest ways!

      I planted some wheat berries with the kids and it's sprouting. We'll see how long it lasts...but at least it'll be a little something green till spring arrives! I'm so tired of the brown and grey of winter. :-P


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