Facebook so we’d have a nice list to work from.
For literature this week, Miss M was supposed to listen to “The Blue Jay’s Nest,” but I had her read it to me instead. She does very well! But she was heartbroken about the eggs that fell from the nest and were broken. Kids have such marvelous sensitive spirits!
In social studies she viewed photos and drawings and identified the difference between the two. At first I think she was a bit befuddled by the concept, not because she couldn’t tell the difference between the two images, but because who ever thought of comparing them? But she quickly caught on. Maps were always one of my favorite things (“were”…who am I kidding?), but Miss M seemed to be ambivalent about our mapping activities this week. Could have just been the mood she was in.
Little Guy was underfoot quite a bit this week. I had to be creative in ways to keep him entertained! Clay did the trick several times, also dry beans and a muffin tin, and some counters and kitchen tongs!
Wednesday will be Miss M’s Lesson 20 Test! She’s excited about it! Don’t you just love homeschooling!?
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