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{Book} Review: The Illustrated Study Bible (NLT)

Disclosure: I received this product free in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own. Your opinions and results may vary.

A couple of weeks ago I received a special offer from the Tyndale Blog Network to review their new Illustrated Study Bible.  I immediately shot back a response saying of course I was interested in reviewing it! Have I ever mentioned how much I love color? This seems to have been a theme in my life lately. Life is too short to be monochromatic!

When the package arrived containing my new Illustrated Study Bible, I was not disappointed. Full color photos, illustrations, infographics, and maps throughout the book bring the text to life!

About the Book

The Illustrated Study Bible integrates background material, study notes, and themed articles into a single volume so you can better understand as you study the Holy Scriptures.  The intent is to open your eyes to the living, powerful message of God's Word.

The Illustrated Study Bible NLT

by Tyndale House Publishers
ISBN: 978-1496402004
2618 pages

My Thoughts

Not everyone is an academic. Not everyone can easily read and understand the traditional text of the King James Bible with its unusual vocabulary and outdated sentence structure. And not everyone has time to hone their academic skills just so they can study the Bible. (Do you want to study grammar? or do you want to study the Bible?)  The text of the New Living Translation makes reading and understanding the Word of God easy. This is not a paraphrase; it is a carefully translated Bible that presents the meaning of the original text in clear modern English so every regular joe on the street can understand it.

This Bible could be very useful in the homeschool setting too. Many of the articles and study notes address questions that come up when reading Scripture with my children -- the portion on Plagues of Egypt, for example, will be very helpful in teaching how each plague was specifically targeting one of Egypt's objects of worship. The maps of Paul's missionary journeys are some of the most beautiful I've ever seen. I love maps! 

Find it from the publisher here or on Amazon.  I was given a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.  The FTC requires that I disclose this information, but it in no way changes my expressed opinion and I wasn't required to give a good review.

Tyndale Blog Network


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