I rarely make clothes for myself. Mostly because patterns don't fit me well and it takes too much time to get them to fit right. I wear my clothes to death and then buy what I need on sale from a local outlet store. Last weekend I convinced hubby to let me buy a piece of fabric from JoAnn's specifically to make myself a sundress. I came away with a yard and a half of linen for just under $9 with tax. I was originally going to use this tutorial*, but decided this pattern would be more suitable for the material I had purchased. It turns out I made the dress just in time. This past weekend was my 10 year high school reunion and, boy, was it hot! It was about 97 degrees and humid ! There are a bunch of pictures of me wearing the dress at the zoo, but only one really bad one of the front of the dress. I was under some sort of walkway with windows to see the otters which did something really strange to the light, so I apologize for the quality of this shot. I